Trinity Universe (PS3) Wiki
Meteorite Shop

Rizelea, Mistress of Meteorites

Meteorites are a kind of equipment that you gain access to at the beginning of Rizelea's Route (players on Kanata's Route will have to wait until Chapter 11 to gain access). Each character has a "Planet" slot and 3 different "Planetary Rings" that Meteorites can be equipped in--the capacity of each ring starts off at 1, but can be upgraded by paying some money and consuming some materials. The cost and materials for each upgrade of each ring is different, and the first ring has a maximum capacity of 3, while the second has a max capacity of 5, and the third, 7. The Planet slot will grant the biggest bonus possible for the meteorite equipped there--the further away from the Planet slot a meteorite is placed, the smaller the bonus it bestows.

Meteorites come in different "colors" that are associated with their effects--red meteorites will be ATK and INT boosters, while blue ones will boost DEF and/or RES. Some combinations of meteorite colors present in the same ring, in conjunction with the color of the Planet meteorite, will bestow "Planetary Effect" bonuses on the character.

Meteorites are crafted just like other equipment, and require you to own the appropriate synthesis manual to gain access to the recipes. Below will be a list of the different meteorites that can be crafted, their recipes, and their effects when equipped in different slots.

Planetary Rings[]

The "Solar System"[]

The Planetary Rings work similarly like a Solar System, where you have a Core as the Sun and the other Meteories that wil orbit around.
There is a maximum limit to how much Meteorites you can place on each ring. There are a total of 3 rings, circulating around the Core.

Core - 1 Meteorite only.

Inner Ring - 3 Meteorities Limit.

Middle Ring - 5 Meteorities Limit.

Outer Ring - 7 Meteorities Limit.

The Linkages & The Core[]

Those Meteorities you placed would affect each other to come out with Combinations. However, do note that, the Core is very important. The Core manages all the linkages and any Combination can accept any kind of order for the Meteorities. But, their Core is one and only. If the Combination needs a Red Meteorite as Core, it must have one.

Further into Combinations, there are a total of 4 types of Combinations. Some Combinations require the entire ring, while some no. But as a reminder, do know that they are three rings in total.

Inner Most Ring Combinations - Combinations which only require 3 Meteorities. Since they only require 3 Meteorities, you could make the combination even with the Inner Ring, and outwards. But usually their effects won't be too significant.

Middle Ring Combinations - Combinations which require 5 Meteorities. Since they require 5 Meteorities, you can't do it with the Inner Ring, but you can do it from the Middle Ring and also the Outer Ring.

Outer Ring Combinations - Combinations which require 7 Meteorities of the same color. In this case, since they require 7 Meteorities, you can only do it with the Outer Ring.

Perfect Ring Combinations - Combinations which requires 8 Meteorities of the same color on the Outer Ring, they provide very powerful effects to your characters.

Side Note : When you browse through your Combinations in-game. You might find White and Dark Combinations for the 8 Meteorities aren't there. But do not worry, they are still enabled, maybe they kept it a secret. Since well, they can't be crafted, you have to purchase them through the Convert Shop, aka Black Market.

Side Note on Side Note: You're wrong. The page with the 8 White/Dark Meteorite combinations is obtained from Planetary FX 09.

Planetary Ring Upgrades[]

This is a table of the materials required to upgrade each Planetary Ring at each level.

Ring Lvl Cost Item 1 Item 2 Item 3 Item 4 Item 5 Item 6 Item 7
Planetary Ring 1, Slot 2 3,000G Crystal x5 White Stone Cube x5
Planetary Ring 1, Slot 3 5,000G Crystal x10 Unknown Herb x5
Planetary Ring 2, Slot 2 5,000G Crystal x15 Ether Blood x5
Planetary Ring 2, Slot 3 7,000G Ether Blood x15 Regien Ore x5 Silver Ore x50
Planerary Ring 2, Slot 4 12,000G Ether Blood x20 Platinum Ore x30
Planetary Ring 2, Slot 5 18,000G Crystal x30 Silver Ore x30 Mythril Ore x10
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 2 15,000G Light Vessel x1 White Mineral x10 Blessed Herb x10 Science Crystal x1
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 3 20,000G Light Vessel x5 White Light Rock x10 Gift from Angels x1
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 4 25,000G Meteorite Idol x5 Eidolon Lantern x10 Ymir's Tear x1
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 5 30,000G Meteorite Idol x10 Imperial Gem x20
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 6 50,000G Meteorite Idol x15 Valkyrie Herb x15 Orichalcum Ore x10
Planetary Ring 3, Slot 7 75,000G Crystal x30 Ether Blood x30 Light Vessel x30 Meteorite Idol x30 Holy Dark Seal x1 Vice VP Sake x1 Suzaku Wing x1


Below will be a table of the different meteorites that can be crafted and their effects. Recipes will be listed on the individual Meteorite pages, since they can require up to 7 different ingredients. Effect strengths will be based on the magnitude of the effect once all 3 rings are unlocked (Meteorites are weaker when fewer rings are available for placement)

Completed and also partly confirmed. If any infomation that's wrong, post on my talk page, and I'll look into it.

@ Felka, If theres a need to limit the width of tables, go ahead and edit them. I wanted to make them easily readable, but it seems that Black Meteorites and some other effects, are seriously too long to be fit in a box, and therefore needing a new line, and that is kinda.. ugly. So yeap, look into it if you want a more globalised formatting.

This Section is done at and by:

Mirumi Mira 13:47, July 14, 2010 (UTC)

Red Meteorites[]

Corresponds to Attacking Abilities, and also form the Perfect Ring Effect of Antares.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Burning Star Red ATK + 250 ATK + 200 ATK + 150 ATK + 100
Flame Light Red ATK + 625 ATK + 500 ATK + 375 ATK + 250
Dragon Comet Red ATK + 1250 ATK + 1000 ATK + 750 ATK + 500
Dark Matter Red ATK + 2250 ATK + 1800 ATK + 1350 ATK + 900
Quasar Red ATK + 3750 ATK + 3000 ATK + 2250 ATK + 1500
Brain Star Red INT + 250 INT + 200 INT + 150 INT + 100
Intellectual Light Red INT + 625 INT + 500 INT + 375 INT + 250
Magic Comet Red INT + 1250 INT + 1000 INT + 750 INT + 500
Luna Matter Red INT + 2250 INT + 1800 INT + 1350 INT + 900
Sunshine Red INT + 3750 INT + 3000 INT + 2250 INT + 1500
Puchi Flare Red ATK/INT + 375 ATK/INT + 300 ATK/INT + 225 ATK/INT + 150
Blast Flare Red ATK/INT + 1250 ATK/INT + 1000 ATK/INT + 750 ATK/INT + 500
Burst Flare Red ATK/INT + 2500 ATK/INT + 2000 ATK/INT + 1500 ATK/INT + 1000

Blue Meteorites[]

Corresponds to Defensive Abilities, and also forms the Perfect Ring Effect of Achernar.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Blue Star Blue DEF + 250 DEF + 200 DEF + 150 DEF + 100
Guard Light Blue DEF + 625 DEF + 500 DEF + 375 DEF + 250
Diamond Comet Blue DEF + 1250 DEF + 1000 DEF + 750 DEF + 500
Aurora Matter Blue DEF + 2250 DEF + 1800 DEF + 1350 DEF + 900
Magnet Core Blue DEF + 3750 DEF + 3000 DEF + 2250 DEF + 1500
Resist Star Blue RES + 250 RES + 200 RES + 150 RES + 100
Reflection Light Blue RES + 625 RES + 500 RES + 375 RES + 250
Lunatic Comet Blue RES + 1250 RES + 1000 RES + 750 RES + 500
Clear Matter Blue RES + 2250 RES + 1800 RES + 1350 RES + 900
Neutrinos Blue RES + 3750 RES + 3000 RES + 2250 RES + 1500
Puchi Shield Blue DEF/RES + 375 DEF/RES + 300 DEF/RES + 225 DEF/RES + 150
Blue Shield Blue DEF/RES + 1250 DEF/RES + 1000 DEF/RES + 750 DEF/RES + 500
Diamond Shield Blue DEF/RES + 2500 DEF/RES + 2000 DEF/RES + 1500 DEF/RES + 1000

Green Meteorites[]

Corresponds to Quickness, also forms the Perfect Ring Effect Mira.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 RIng 2 Ring 3
Flying Star Green SPD + 250 SPD + 200 SPD + 150 SPD + 100
Boost Light Green SPD + 625 SPD + 500 SPD + 375 SPD + 250
Tornado Comet Green SPD + 1250 SPD + 1000 SPD + 750 SPD + 500
Wing Matter Green SPD + 2250 SPD + 1800 SPD + 1350 SPD + 900
Cross Meteor Green SPD + 3750 SPD + 3000 SPD + 2250 SPD + 1500
Hit Star Green HIT + 250 HIT + 200 HIT + 150 HIT + 100
Lock-on Light Green HIT + 625 HIT + 500 HIT + 375 HIT + 250
Brass Comet Green HIT + 1250 HIT + 1000 HIT + 750 HIT + 500
Homing Matter Green HIT + 2250 HIT + 1800 HIT + 1350 HIT + 900
Dark Eye Green HIT + 3750 HIT + 3000 HIT + 2250 HIT + 1500
Beast Eye Green HIT/SPD + 375 HIT/SPD + 300 HIT/SPD + 225 HIT/SPD + 150
Eagle Eye Green HIT/SPD + 1250 HIT/SPD + 1000 HIT/SPD + 750 HIT/SPD + 500
Hawk Eye Green HIT/SPD + 2500 HIT/SPD + 2000 HIT/SPD + 1500 HIT/SPD + 1000

Yellow Meteorites[]

Corresponds to Actions in Combat, also forms the Perfect Ring Effect Capella.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Lucky Star Yellow LUK + 250 LUK + 200 LUK + 150 LUK + 100
Clover Light Yellow LUK + 625 LUK + 500 LUK + 375 LUK + 250
4-Leaf Clovermet Yellow LUK + 1250 LUK + 1000 LUK + 750 LUK + 500
Cuticle Matter Yellow LUK + 2250 LUK + 1800 LUK + 1350 LUK + 900
Happiness Lacker Yellow LUK + 3750 LUK + 3000 LUK + 2250 LUK + 1500
Rising Star Yellow AP + 5 AP + 4 AP + 3 AP + 2
Point Light Yellow AP + 10 AP + 8 AP + 6 AP + 4
Go Go Comet Yellow AP + 15 AP + 12 AP + 9 AP + 6
Vital Matter Yellow AP + 20 AP + 16 AP + 12 AP + 8
Chrono Gate Yellow AP + 25 AP + 20 AP + 15 AP + 10
Active Heart Yellow LUK + 375, AP + 7 LUK + 300, AP + 6 LUK + 225, AP + 4 LUK + 150, AP + 3
Angel Heart Yellow LUK + 1250, AP + 15 LUK + 1000, AP + 12 LUK + 750, AP + 9 LUK + 500, AP + 6
Fairy Heart Yellow LUK + 2500, AP + 22 LUK + 2000, AP + 18 LUK + 1500, AP + 13 LUK + 1000, AP + 9

Brown Meteorites[]

Corresponds to Effects and Surroundings, HP, also forms the Perfect Ring Effect Becrux.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Gaea Star Brown HP + 1250 HP + 1000 HP + 750 HP + 500
Heart Light Brown HP + 2500 HP + 2000 HP + 1500 HP + 1000
Lively Comet Brown HP + 5000 HP + 4000 HP + 3000 HP + 2000
Life Matter Brown HP + 7500 HP + 6000 HP + 4500 HP + 3000
Energy Planet Brown HP + 12500 HP + 10000 HP + 7500 HP + 5000
Poison Star Brown Poison Aliment +50% Poison Aliment +40% Poison Aliment +30% Poison Aliment +20%
Paralysis Star Brown Paralysis Aliment + 50% Paralysis Aliment + 40% Paralysis Aliment + 30% Paralysis Aliment + 20%
Sleep Star Brown Sleep Aliment + 50% Sleep Aliment + 40% Sleep Aliment + 30% Sleep Aliment + 20%
Black Matter Brown Darkness Aliment + 50% Darkness Aliment + 40% Darkness Aliment + 30% Darkness Aliment + 20%
Dead Star Brown Sudden Death Aliment + 12% Sudden Death Aliment + 10% Sudden Death Aliment + 7% Sudden Death Aliment + 5%
Surprise Card Brown Fewer Ambushes + 25 Fewer Ambushes + 20 Fewer Ambushes + 15 Fewer Ambushes + 10
Anti-surprise Brown Fewer Ambushes + 75 Fewer Ambushes + 60 Fewer Ambushes + 45 Fewer Ambushes + 30
Anchor Surprise Brown Fewer Ambushes + 125 Fewer Ambushes + 100 Fewer Ambushes + 75 Fewer Ambushes + 50

Purple Meteorites[]

Corresponds Element Defenses and Monster Loots, also forms the Perfect Ring Effect Formalhaut.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Experienstar Purple EXP gain + 12% EXP gain + 10% EXP gain + 7% EXP gain + 5%
Star G Purple Gala gain + 25% Gala gain + 20% Gala gain + 15% Gala gain + 10%
Insoul Star Purple Souls Gain + 7 Souls Gain + 6 Souls Gain + 4 Souls Gain + 3
Drop Star Purple Item Drop + 12% Item Drop + 10% Item Drop + 7% Item Drop + 5%
Mana Star Purple Mana Gain + 5 Mana Gain + 4 Mana Gain + 3 Mana Gain + 2
Brave Light Purple Fire RES + 12% Fire RES + 10% Fire RES + 7% Fire RES + 5%
Aqua Light Purple Water RES + 12% Water RES + 10% Water RES + 7% Water RES + 5%
Lightning Light Purple Lightning RES + 12% Lightning RES + 10% Lightning RES + 7% Lightning RES + 5%
Wing Light Purple Wind RES + 12% Wind RES + 10% Wind RES + 7% Wind RES + 5%
Gaea Light Purple Earth RES + 12% Earth RES + 10% Earth RES + 7% Earth RES + 5%
Saint Light Purple Light RES + 12% Light RES + 10% Light RES + 7% Light RES + 5%
Dark Light Purple Dark RES + 12% Dark RES + 10% Dark RES + 7% Dark RES + 5%
Elemental Master Purple All RES + 12% All RES + 10% All RES + 7% All RES + 5%

Black Meteorites[]

Corresponds great offensive and defensive abilties, also forms a Perfect Ring Effect that isn't shown in the in-game database, Great Wall.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3
Aura Star Black MeteoriteSynth Alpha DEF + 3750, RES + 3000, LUK + 1250 DEF + 3000, RES + 2400, LUK + 1000 DEF + 2250, RES + 1800, LUK + 750 DEF + 1500, RES + 1200, LUK + 500
Recovery Star Black MeteoriteSynth Alpha Healing Effects + 125% Healing Effects + 100% Healing Effects + 75% Healing Effects + 50%
Berserk Comet Black MeteoriteSynth Alpha Rush / Mighty Blow Attacks Damage + 1250 Rush / Mighty Blow Attacks Damage + 1000 Rush / Mighty Blow Attacks Damage + 750 Rush / Mighty Blow Attacks Damage + 500
Giga Soul Matter Black MeteoriteSynth Alpha Mighty Blow / Magic Attacks Damage + 1250 Mighty Blow / Magic Attacks Damage + 1000 Mighty Blow / Magic Attacks Damage + 750 Mighty Blow / Magic Attacks Damage + 500
Star Dust Black MeteoriteSynth Alpha Rush / Magic Attacks Damage + 1250 Rush / Magic Attacks Damage + 1000 Rush / Magic Attacks Damage + 750 Rush / Magic Attacks Damage + 500
Elemental Matter Black MeteoriteSynth Beta Physical, Fire, Wind, Thunder Attacks Damage + 2500 Physical, Fire, Wind, Thunder Attacks Damage + 2000 Physical, Fire, Wind, Thunder Attacks Damage + 1500 Physical, Fire, Wind, Thunder Attacks Damage + 1000
Material Light Black MeteoriteSynth Beta Physical, Water, Earth Attacks Damage + 2500 Physical, Water, Earth Attacks Damage + 2000 Physical, Water, Earth Attacks Damage + 1500 Physical, Water, Earth Attacks Damage + 1000
Cursed Comet Black MeteoriteSynth Beta Physical, Light, Dark Attacks Damage + 2500 Physical, Light, Dark Attacks Damage + 2000 Physical, Light, Dark Attacks Damage + 1500 Physical, Light, Dark Attacks Damage + 1000
Damascus Matter Black MeteoriteSynth Beta HIT + 3750 HIT + 3000 HIT + 2250 HIT + 1500
Shadow Arc Black MeteoriteSynth Beta DEF + 3750 DEF + 3000 DEF + 2250 DEF + 1500
Meteor of Light Black MeteoriteSynth Gamma SPD + 3750 SPD + 3000 SPD + 2250 SPD + 1500
Dark Meteor Light Black MeteoriteSynth Gamma All Elemental Attacks + 50% All Elemental Attacks + 40% All Elemental Attacks + 30% All Elemental Attacks + 20%
Gravity Light Black MeteoriteSynth Gamma All RES + 75% All RES + 60% All RES + 45% All RES + 35%

White Meteorites[]

Corresponds even greater offensive and defensive abilties, also form a Perfect Ring Effect that isn't shown in the in-game database, Polaris.

Note: EXP Rate max at 200%, that is 2 Clear Crystal at Ring 1 position or 2x the Polaris Ring Effect.

Name Color Synth Manual Core Ring 1 Ring 2 Ring 3 Fragment
Clear Crystal White MeteoriteSynth Delta EXP Rate + 125% 100% 75% 50% Fury
White Pearl Light White MeteoriteSynth Delta ATK/DEF + 5000 4000 3000 2000 Fortune
Freezing Dust White MeteoriteSynth Delta INT/RES + 5000 4000 3000 2000 Fame
Galaxy Core White MeteoriteSynth Delta All Attacks Damage + 50% 40% 30% 20% Loving
Engage Star White MeteoriteSynth Delta (SPD + 5000) + 25% 4000, 20% 3000, 15% 2000, 10% Brave
Cosmo Beauty White MeteoriteSynth Epsilon (LUK + 5000) + 25%, AP + 50 4000, 20%, 40 3000, 15%, 30 2000, 10%, 20 Faith
Lunar Twilight White MeteoriteSynth Epsilon (ATK + 5000) + 25%, HIT/SPD + 5000 4000, 20% 3000, 15% 2000, 10% Favored
Artemis Heart White MeteoriteSynth Epsilon (INT + 5000) + 25%, LUK + 5000 4000, 20% 3000, 15% 2000, 10% Future
Legend Quiz White MeteoriteSynth Epsilon Elemental, Rush Attacks Damage + 50% 40% 30% 20% Fever
Star Illusion White MeteoriteSynth Epsilon Elemental, Mighty Blow Attacks Damage + 50% 40% 30% 20% Fright
Milky Way White MeteoriteSynth Omega Elemental, Magic Attacks Damage + 50% 40% 30% 20% Miracle
Astro Energy White MeteoriteSynth Omega HP/DEF/RES + 6250, Elemental def + ?? 5000 3750 2500 Lucky
Shining Sphere White MeteoriteSynth Omega ATK/HIT/SPD + 4500, Elemental atk + ?? 3600 2700 1800 Fit

Meteorite Combinations[]

When the correct Meteorites are placed in the correct order, a combination effect comes out. There are some combinations which are multi colored, while some single colored. To find out more regarding them, refer the tables below.

Combinations of 3 Meteories[]

Name Core Meteorite 1 Meteorite 2 Effect
Power Fight Red Red Red Critical Ratio Up. Fire, Wind resistances Up.
Defensive Blue Blue Blue Reduce damage taken. Water, Earth Resistances Up.
Suit Green Green Green May Nullifies Abnormal Status. Thunder, Water Resistances Up.
Lucky Star Yellow Yellow Yellow Item Drop Rate Up, Thunder, Water resistances Up.
Attack Support Brown Brown Brown Reduces all elemental damage against you.
Regeneration Purple Purple Purple Slight HP recovery per turn. Earth, Fire resistances Up.
Blackened Earth Black Black Black Slight increase in amount of HP restored by using healing items.
Snow White White White White May Nullifiy all status aliments beside death and poison.
Brush Up Red Blue Yellow Slight increase in Rush and Mighty Blow attacks damage,
Body Care Green Brown Purple May Nullifiy all status aliments.
Lucky! Red Yellow Purple Slight increase in EXP gain rate.
Addition Blue Red Brown Slight increase in critical hit ratio
Great Attack Purple Red Green Slight increase in Mighty Blow and Magic attacks damage.
Hitting Yellow Blue Green Increases HIT.
Stepping Brown Green Yellow Increases SPD.
Magic Arise Blue Purple Brown Slight increase in Rush and Magic attacks damage.

Combinations of 5 Meteories[]

Name Core Meteorite 1 Meteorite 2 Meteorite 3 Meteorite 4 Effect
d'Arrest Red Red Red Red Red Slightly increase Rush attack damage.
Wirtanen Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Increases the effectiveness of the Shield skill.
Enke Green Green Green Green Green Slight increase in theft accuracy and Image Gauge gain.
Catalina Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Slight increase in AP every turn.
Giacobinids Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Slight increase in all elemental resistances.
Kohoutek Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Recovers a portion of the Image Gauge every turn.
Big Hit Blue Red Red Blue Green Increases critical hit ratio.
Little Protection Yellow Blue Blue Yellow Purple Reduced rate to suffer from abnormal status effects. Increases all elemental attack resistances.
Quick Turn Brown Green Green Brown Yellow Increases evasion rate.
Steal Green Yellow Yellow Purple Green Increases AP.
Mind of Yoichi Purple Brown Brown Purple Blue Increases HIT.
Perfect Repair Red Purple Purple Blue Red Increases Image Gauge gain rate. Reduced chance to suffer from abnormal status effects.
Black Dwarf Black Black Black Black Black All types of attacks will be equally increased in damage.
White Dwarf White White White White White Slight recovery of HP every turn.

Combinations of 7 Meteories & Perfect Rings[]

Name Core Meteorite 1 Meteorite 2 Meteorite 3 Meteorite 4 Meteorite 5 Meteorite 6 Meteorite 7 Effect
Garnet Star Red Red Red Red Red Red Red N/A Increase critical hit ratio, all attack types powers. RES and Dodge rate decreases and enemies target you more.
Sirius Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue N/A Reduced damage taken. Reduces critical hit ratio and evasion as well.
Arctus Green Green Green Green Green Green Green N/A Increased chance to dodge enemy attacks. But you do lesser damage to enemies.
Betelgeuse Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow N/A Recovers AP every turn. Decreases ATK and DEF by a bit.
Procyon Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown N/A Increased ATK,HIT,Dodge rate. But you lose HP every turn.
Spica Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple N/A Increased EXP gain rate. But ATK and HIT reduces.
Altair Black Black Black Black Black Black Black N/A Increased effects of healing items. Increases Image Gauge at the beginning of the battle as well.
Vega White White White White White White White N/A Increased effects of Cure skills.
Materialize Any Red Red Purple Purple Green Yellow N/A Fire, Wind, Earth attack and defense increases, Water and Thunder attack and defense decreases.
Antares Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Red Increased critical hit ratio, elemental attacks. However, HIT will reduce and you will be targeted by enemies more.
Achernar Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Blue Reduced damage taken and nullify all abnormal status aliments other than poison and sudden death. However, your critical hit ratio and Dodge rate will drop.
Mira Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Green Nullifies all abnormal status aliments. But reduces your damage towards enemies.
Capella Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Yellow Increased success rates of stealing skills. However, all elemental attack and defense reduces.
Becrux Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Brown Increased ATK and DEF abilities, HIT, Dodge rate. However, your AP and Image Gauge will reduce.
Fomalhaut Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Purple Increased ATK, elemental attack and defense, HIT, SPD. However, your AP and Image Gauge will reduce.
Polaris White White White White White White White White Increased EXP gain rate by 100%, might negate all kinds of damage and reduces the chance of inflicting abnormal status aliments. Also grants Auto-Life ability ; When KO-ed, will auto-revive with 50% HP
Great Wall Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Reduces damage taken, increased success rate of stealing skills and elemental defenses. Also, at times, grants Sure-Hit ; Your attacks cannot be dodged.
Rainbow White Red Blue Green Yellow Brown Purple Black Increases ATK, and resistence to all elements.
Alter Rainbow Black Red Blue Green Yellow Black White White Increases ATK and resistence to all elements.